Negotiation Master Class: Get Your Money Honey


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This class is designed specifically for top performing women who want to learn how to earn a competitive salary and gain the confidence to own their worth.

  • Are you underpaid and undervalued and ready to look for a new job?

  • Do you have trouble advocating for yourself because you can’t find the right words?

  • Do you always just say yes to the first offer?

  • Do you lack the confidence to negotiate even though you know you’re worth more?

  • Do you agree that spending less sucks and making more money would be much more fun?

In this one hour live class, you will learn best practices to increase your salary and total compensation, including:

  • position yourself as a top performer

  • how to do research around salary

  • what to say when they ask your salary range

  • how to respond when they low-ball you

  • how to handle yearly reviews with managers

  • and more…

If you’re first entering the workforce or even pivoting your career entirely, these strategies will come in handy as you navigate a new job search because negotiation starts way before the offer is even discussed.

Remember, every successful salary negotiation is a cumulative benefit, and your salary will almost always continue to increase from there. If you negotiate a $5,000 salary increase for your first job, that single salary negotiation will be worth tens of thousands of dollars to you over your lifetime. If you never negotiate, you could lose over $600,000 or more by the time you're 60. There's no better time to learn and earn thousands of dollars more than your original offer in just a five minute conversation or email.

NOTE: You will receive a Google Meet invite with a link to class 24–48 hours before the scheduled class.